Monday, February 2, 2009

Ground Hog Day

He saw his shawdow today here, more winter. Darn! It has been sorta hetic around here the last week. We have had the bug. I had it the worst 5 days of bathroom going. Not fun. Only benifit lost 7 pounds. David still no work and neither has Steve. it is tough. Baby Timothy is now eating on his own, no more tubes Great. My surgery has been changed to March 26th barring no infections. so far none after 7 weeks. Pam is coming the 28th of March to be with me for 2 weeks after surgery. Appreciate that. Matthew is still at Pams, still no work for him either. Pams hours have been cut to no overtime. That really hurts her. Angie is still doing gfood in school.The Best twins are due soon, We aren't going to Utah until after my surgery. We will go in June for Shaylee's graduation. and then see the twins when they are older and we can play with them. I guess the girls have convinced me this is best. Hope Alan understands. Just be glad to have this surgerg over so I can get back to normal, and clean my dirty house. Denise has Kendra's 3 kids for a while, day and night, There are more problems there. Hope I can help with Emily to give her a break. Larry is just being lazy and helping me alot. We are enjoying having David here. He cooks and does dishes and keeps me compamy when larry is playing games on the computer. Tim and Rachel, your little peanut is beautiful. What fun to watch it grow. Hope you get a boy, but them girls are nice, look at Hannah. I better sign of and fix my messie hair. didn't get done this week to sick. Joe is back to work, just hope his works picks up, so he can work. LOVE TO ALL MOM


Sisters: Chunky to Skinny said...

Well, maybe we can see Pam while she is here. We will be in Colorado from March 30 til April 2, but after that we will be home. Maybe we can come visit. Hope your surgery goes well. Sorry to hear you were sick.

Kimi said...

Hope all starts to improve for everyone. I know times are hard right now for a lot of us. I just hope that we all can keep our chins up and make it through it all.
Wish we could be there to see everyone! We miss you all!