Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Mom's Update

Well the decorating is done and the tree is up and looks nice( a real one this year) thanks to David for getting it for us and also decorating it. We have the out of town packages in the mail and 7 batches of candy made, so I guess we are close to being ready for the holiday. Just a quick update on me. Hip surgery delayed until last of March or April. I will see my Uriologyist the 22nd of Dec. I must have 2 or 3 months free of a bladder infection before the surgeon will do the surgery. Guess I'll limp around for 4 more months.Lets see,, Melody's baby Timothy had brain surgery today and got through the surgery well, they drained of the blood and put in a shunt. He will be in Portland for some time more. He is still being feed through a tube. Pray for him.Steve as far as we know is still out of work, but Lisa is working at OMLB. Larene and Skip won't be here this year, we will miss them. They report that the twins are growing and doing well. Due in Feb.They had a nice shower for them. Angi just finished her term at school and got a "A" average. Good job Angi. Their family came bye today and visited they are doing so good. Brought us new pictures of their family. Don't see much of Sheila's family, guess they are OK. David still has no work, except cleaning houses for people. He is in so much pain it hurts me to watch him move. Denise's family is coming home again. Nathan finished his 105 days in Boston and the towns around there. Matthew will be home from scholl this week, then back to Hawaii. Kendra and family will go to Calfornia for Christmas again the year. Darn, this was their year to be here. Guess who the boss is at their house. Trisha is doing good. Denise is working 3 jobs and babysitting grandkids, Linden will start a new job in Janruary. More later on that.Josh and Sam come down often, they are doing well. Joe will have knee surgery on Christmas eve day. Short stay, will be off work for some time. Best of luck Joe!!!. Kim and family won't be home this year for Christmas but Amber and Jon will be here with baby Addison. She is growing up way to fast. Jaris is still working for a glass shop and Niki at State Farm. Baby Auston is doing well and keeping his Mom and Dad busy as well as Grandma and Grandpa. Pam and Shaylee decided not to come for Christmas, they will come when I have my surgery, Shaylee is busy working and going to school. Pam is taking care of Loleene for me since she had her knee replaced. Thank's Pam. I still have Emily some times, she in in to everything, but fun. Will sign off for now. See all of you on Christmas Eve. Love Mom


Sisters: Chunky to Skinny said...

Thanks for all the updates Grandma... I will see you on Christmas.

Willie Fun said...

It is nice that you update us all. Some things change but it will always do that. I love you guys thanks for all the help you give me and my family.

Kimi said...

Thanks for the updates! I wish we could be there for the holidays too, but we all know how it is this year.
We will try and call and wish everyone a Merry Christmas on Christmas day so look forward to our phone calls!
I know we will be missing family a lot that day.